The Home of Musicanimation
and the creative support operations of Silence.
The Home of Musicanimation
and the creative support operations of Silence.
I hear light, I see music!
About contains information about EdgeCode, Musicanimation and Silence.
News contains topical and recent events important to a wide variety of users. This index is culled from our exclusive team of expert and professional users who's skills have served one another extremely well over the years. All topics going back a long time are included. They are compelling and updated regularly.
Events needs work. When available, it will list events of interest to the membership and the public in general.
Support are broken links to members and clients only. Privileges are required. Report any anomalies in access to us immediately.
What is Musicanimation describes our favorite art form. Resources are included.
Contact Us is a description of how to interact with us.
VJ Tool Sites are broken links to significant sites to the Musicanimation community and are under reconstruction. Contact Us to suggest your own.
Post-Nanotech sites is to be the link for landmark and impressive internet work of all kinds. This is under construction and we hope to have it running someday.
Our site has, as its purpose, the fulfillment of the needs of those who have retained our support services and as such is not be appropriate for general consumption. We do not use the site to directly promote ourselves or our services. Though we appreciate your efforts to draw attention to our services, it is important you understand that we have not the necessary facilities to respond to general inquiries. We do hope to grow to that level in the future.
Those wishing to contact us are invited to do so. Or you can go to the About Us for information on our work, capabilities, history, and plans. Also services and history. We welcome your calls, letters and email. We thank you in advance for recommending our services and remind you of the difficulty in honorably serving anyone.
Silence is the oldest "New Media" consulting firm in the New York and Tri State Metropolitan Area and one of the first of its kind in the world!
©℗ 1986-2015 Silence. All rights reserved. Registered trade and service marks are the property of their holders, may not be reproduced without the holders express permission and are used by permission or as editorial content and for review.